Dads of Michigan Petition for Joint Custody

By Anu Prakash
March 12, 2004

Fathers are coming together to make sure they are able to stay in their kids’ lives. All across the state of Michigan, dads will be standing outside of post offices collecting signatures for a petition drive.

The ultimate goal is to get a law passed so that divorced couples share custody of their children, unless one parents is declared unfit.

The group Dads of Michigan saw too many fathers lose the fight when it comes to custody. Now the group needs more than 250,000 signatures by May 26th for the measure to appear on the November ballot.

Jim Semerad will be among hundreds of people starting the petition drive this Saturday. He explained, "One parent is going to have the children and the other parents is going to be somewhat on the outside, trying to help but prevented from helping out in the raising of the children. So a lot of people get frustrated, especially dads, and they say ‘I just give up. I can’t fight this system any longer.’ And that’s why you have a lot of fathers that are not involved in the children’s lives."

To learn more about the petition drive that Dads of Michigan is starting Saturday at post officers across the state, give Dads of Michigan a call at 248-559-DADS.

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